
5pm group picture – 6pm Banquet..

Registration for the 2024 Michigan Mini is $30.00
– each addition registration for family is $15.00 for cost of the Badge, etc.

Banquet tickets include a dinner at $40.00 per person.

The Buffet style banquet includes the following:
chicken and beef, salad, bread/butter, light dessert and a coffee, tea or water.
(I’ll have pop and milk for those who want it)

Hotel information is located on the “Info” page.

To register, fill out this form and submit it on line
– then mail your check to the address below

Make check payable to MARAC/Doris French 
Always include your CALL SIGN on your check.
PayPal  payments to:  TREASURER@MARAC.ORG
On Paypal, add note with Callsign and MI-Mini.

2024 Michigan Mini registration to:

Doris French  N8WTQ
940 W Stewart Rd
Midland, MI  48640

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number

    BADGE 1:

    Your Callsign On Badge (required)

    Your Name On Badge (required)

    County & State on Badge

    Additional info to put on your badge (USA CA number, MARAC number, etc)


    YOUR first registration is $30

    How many additional people are you registering for?
    Multiply that number by $15: $

    How many Banquet tickets do you need?
    Multiply that number by $40: $

    Total those the amounts above: $

    How will you pay? I'll send a checkPaypal

    Additional Names and Badge Information Here:

    Prove you are human by answering this: